



  Accounting91404, 91405, 91406, 91407, 91408, 91409Agriculture & Horticulture91528, 91529, 91530, 91531, 91532

  Biology91601, 91602, 91603, 91604, 91605, 91606, 91607

  Business Studies91379, 91380, 91381, 91382, 91383, 91384, 91385

  Calculus91573, 91574, 91575, 91576, 91577, 91578, 91579, 91587

  Chemistry91387, 91388, 91389, 91390, 91391, 91392, 91393

  Chinese91533, 91534, 91535, 91536, 91537

  Classical Studies91394, 91395, 91396, 91397, 91398

  Computing - Expired end 2013N/A

  Construction and Mechanical Technologies91620, 91621, 91622, 91623, 91624, 91625, 91626and 91627, 91628, 91629, 91630, 91631 and 91632, 91633, 91634, 91635, 91636, 91637, 91638, 91639, 91640, 91641, 91642 and 91643, 91644 and 91608, 91609, 91610, 91611,  91612, 91613, 91614, 91615, 91616, 91617, 91618, 91619

  Cook Islands Maori91538, 91539, 91540, 91541, 91542Dance91588, 91589, 91590, 91591, 91592, 91593, 91594, 91595

  Design (Practical Art)91440, 91445, 91450, 91455and 91460

  Design and Visual Communication91627, 91628, 91629, 91630, 91631 and 91620, 91621, 91622, 91623, 91624, 91625, 91626 and 91632, 91633, 91634, 91635, 91636, 91637, 91638, 91639, 91640, 91641, 91642 and 91643, 91644 and 91608, 91609, 91610, 91611,  91612, 91613, 91614, 91615, 91616, 91617, 91618, 91619

  Digital Technologies91632, 91633, 91634, 91635, 91636, 91637, 91638,91639, 91640, 91641, 91642 and 91627, 91628, 91629, 91630, 91631 and 91620, 91621, 91622, 91623, 91624, 91625, 91626 and 91643, 91644 and 91608, 91609, 91610, 91611,  91612, 91613, 91614, 91615, 91616, 91617, 91618, 91619

  Drama91512, 91513, 91514, 91515, 91516, 91517, 91518, 91519, 91520

  Earth and Space Science91410, 91411, 91412, 91413, 91414, 91415

  Economics91399, 91400, 91401, 91402, 91403

  Education for Sustainability90828, 90829, 90830, 90831, 90832

  English91472, 91473, 91474, 91475, 91476, 91477, 91478, 91479, 91480

  French91543, 91544, 91545, 91546, 91547

  Geography91426, 91427, 91428, 91429, 91430, 91431, 91432, 91433

  German91548, 91549, 91550, 91551, 91552

  Graphics - Expired end 2013N/A

  Health Education91461, 91462, 91463, 91464, 91465

  History91434, 91435, 91436, 91437, 91438, 91439

  History of Art91482, 91483, 91484, 91485, 91486, 91487, 91488, 91489

  Home Economics91466, 91467, 91468, 91469, 91470, 91471

  Indonesian91645, 91646, 91647, 91648, 91649

  Japanese91553, 91554, 91555, 91556, 91557

  Korean91558, 91559, 91560, 91561, 91562

  Latin91506, 91507, 91508, 91509, 91510, 91511

  Mathematics with Calculus - Expired end of 2013N/A

  Statistics and Modelling - Expired end of 2013N/AMathematics91573, 91574, 91575, 91576, 91577, 91578, 91579, 91587 and 91580, 91581, 91582, 91583, 91584, 91585, 91586

  Media Studies91490, 91491, 91492, 91493, 91494, 91495, 91496, 91497

  Music Studies91416, 91417, 91418, 91419, 91420, 91421, 91422, 91423, 91424, 91425

  Painting (Practical Art)91441, 91446, 91451, 91456and 91460

  Photography (Practical Art)91442, 91447, 91452, 91457and 91460

  Physical Education91498, 91499, 91500, 91501, 91502, 91503, 91504, 91505

  Physics91521, 91522, 91523, 91524, 91525, 91526, 91527

  Printmaking (Practical Art)91443, 91448, 91453, 91458and 91460

  Processing Technologies91643, 91644 and 91632, 91633, 91634, 91635, 91636, 91637, 91638, 91639, 91640, 91641, 91642 and 91627, 91628, 91629, 91630, 91631 and 91620, 91621, 91622, 91623, 91624, 91625, 91626 and 91608, 91609, 91610, 91611,  91612, 91613, 91614, 91615, 91616, 91617, 91618, 91619

  Religious Studies90824, 90825, 90826, 90827, 91725

  Samoan91563, 91564, 91565, 91566, 91567

  Science91601, 91602, 91603, 91604, 91605, 91606, 91607 and 91387, 91388, 91389, 91390, 91391, 91392, 91393 and 91410, 91411, 91412, 91413, 91414, 91415 and 91521, 91522, 91523, 91524, 91525, 91526, 91527

  Sculpture (Practical Art)91444, 91449, 91454, 91459and 91460

  Spanish91568, 91569, 91570, 91571, 91572Social Studies91596, 91597, 91598, 91599, 91600

  Statistics91580, 91581, 91582, 91583, 91584, 91585, 91586

  Technology91608, 91609, 91610, 91611,  91612, 91613, 91614, 91615, 91616, 91617, 91618, 91619 and 91643, 91644 and 91632, 91633, 91634, 91635, 91636, 91637, 91638, 91639, 91640, 91641, 91642 and 91627, 91628, 91629, 91630, 91631 and 91620, 91621, 91622, 91623, 91624, 91625, 91626

  Te Reo Māori91650, 91651, 91652, 91653, 91654Te Reo Rangatira90536, 90785, 90786, 90787, 90788, 90789, 90790, 90791

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