据新西兰教育联盟(http://www.nzliuxue.com)首席留学顾问冯霞老师了解,近日,怀卡托大学(http://www.xuenz.com/waikato)音乐系新增一名高级导师,她是有国际赞誉的新西兰女高音歌唱家 Malvina Major女士。
World-famous opera singer joins University of Waikato
The internationally acclaimed New Zealand soprano, Dame Malvina Major, has been appointed Senior Fellow in Music at the University of Waikato.
有国际赞誉的新西兰女高音歌唱家,Malvina Major女士,被聘为怀卡托大学音乐系的高级导师。
Dame Malvina, whose international career includes 28 major operatic roles, will focus on teaching voice students, mainly postgraduate and doctoral students. She will also play an ambassadorial role for the university as a whole. Later this month Dame Malvina will perform at the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival along with promising young tenor and Waikato University Hillary Scholar, Chase Douglas, and 20-year-old soprano Amina Edris, winner of the Sir Howard Morrison Memorial 2011 Scholarship.