
  新西兰大学一般提供 diploma, bachelor degree,graduate diploma, postgraduate diploma, master degree和PhD六个级别的学历。



  Arts and Music Qualifications

  Arts and Music Undergraduate

  Diploma in Language (DipLang)

  Diploma in Language and Culture (DipLangC)

  Bachelor of Arts (BA)

  Bachelor of Music (MusB)

  Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA)

  Bachelor of Social and Community Work (BSCW) - no new enrolments

  Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

  Bachelor of Social Work with Honours (BSW(Hons))

  Arts and Music Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Arts with Honours (BA(Hons))

  Bachelor of Music with Honours (MusB(Hons))

  Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Children's Issues (PGCertChls)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Social Welfare (PGCertSW) - no new enrolments

  Graduate Diploma in Second Language Teaching (GDipSLT)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Subjects (PGDipArts)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Child Advocacy (PGDipChAd) - no new enrolments

  Postgraduate Diploma in Child-Centred Practice (PGDipCCP)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Music (PGDipMus)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Social and Community Work (PGDipSCWk) - no new enrolments

  Postgraduate Diploma in Social Welfare (PGDipSW)

  Master of Arts (MA)

  Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

  Master of Indigenous Studies (MIndS)

  Master of International Studies (MIntSt)

  Master of Music (MMus)

  Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (MPCS)

  Master of Planning (MPlan)

  Master of Social and Community Work (MSCW) - no new enrolments

  Master of Social Welfare (MSW) - no new enrolments

  Master of Social Work (MSW)

  Doctor of Literature (LittD)

  Doctor of Music (MusD)

  Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Commerce Qualifications

  Commerce Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

  Commerce Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (BCom(Hons))

  Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Executive Management (PGCertEM)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Technology and Entrepreneurship (PGCertTE)

  Diploma in Business Administration (DipBusAdmin)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Commerce (PGDipCom)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management (PGDipEM)

  Master of Business (MBus)

  Master of Business Administration (MBA)

  Master of Business Data Science (MBusDataSc)

  Master of Commerce (MCom)

  Master of Entrepreneurship (MEntr)

  Master of Finance (MFinc)

  Master of Tourism (MTour)

  Doctor of Commerce (DCom)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Dentistry Qualifications

  Dentistry Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

  Bachelor of Dental Technology (BDentTech)

  Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH)

  Dentistry Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Honours (BDS(Hons))

  Bachelor of Dental Technology with Honours (BDentTech(Hons))

  Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology (PGDipCDTech)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (PGDipClinDent)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Community Dentistry (PGDipComDent)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Technology (PGDipDentTech)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Dental Therapy (PGDipDentTher)

  Master of Community Dentistry (MComDent)

  Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)

  Master of Dental Technology (MDentTech)

  Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (DClinDent)

  Doctor of Dental Science (DDSc)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Education Qualifications

  Education Undergraduate

  Graduate Certificate in Teacher Development (GCertTchrDev)

  Bachelor of Education (BEd)

  Bachelor of Education Studies (BEdSt)

  Bachelor of Teaching (BTchg)

  Education Postgraduate

  Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching (PGCertTchg)

  Graduate Diploma in Education and Teaching (GradDipEdTchg)

  Graduate Diploma in Teaching (GradDipTchg)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (PGDipTchg)

  Master of Education (MEd)

  Master of Teaching (MTchg)

  Master of Teaching and Learning (MTchgLn)

  Doctor of Education (EdD)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Health Sciences Qualifications

  Health Sciences Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (BBiomedSc)

  Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc)

  Bachelor of Radiation Therapy (BRT)

  Health Sciences Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours (BBiomedSc(Hons))

  Bachelor of Radiation Therapy with Honours (BRT(Hons))

  Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences (PGCertHealSc)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Technology (PGCertMedTech)

  Graduate Diploma in Bioethics and Health Law (GDipBHL)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Health Management (PGDipHealMgt)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences (PGDipHealSc)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science (PGDipMLSc)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Technology (PGDipMedTech)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Medicine (PGDipSEM)

  Master of Bioethics and Health Law (MBHL)

  Master of Health Sciences (MHealSc)

  Master of Medical Laboratory Science (MMLSc)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Law Qualifications

  Law Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

  Law Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Laws with Honours (LLB(Hons))

  Master of Laws (LLM)

  Doctor of Laws (LLD)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Medicine Qualifications

  Medicine Undergraduate

  Certificate in Health Promotion (CertHProm)

  Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB)

  Medicine Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours (BMedSc(Hons))

  Postgraduate Certificate in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport (PGCertAeroRT)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Aviation Medicine (PGCertCAvMed)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Clinician-Performed Ultrasound (PGCertCPU)

  Postgraduate Certificate in General Practice (PGCertGP)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Musculoskeletal Medicine (PGCertMSM)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational Medicine (PGCertOccMed)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care (PGCertPHC)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health (PGCertPH)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Rehabilitation (PGCertRehab)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice (PGCertRPHP)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Travel Medicine (PGCertTravMed)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Women's Health (PGCertWHlth)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport (PGDipAeroRT)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Aviation Medicine (PGDipAvMed)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (DCH)

  Postgraduate Diploma in General Practice (PGDipGP)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Health Informatics (PGDipHealInf)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Health (DIH)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine (PGDipMSM)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology (PGDipOMG)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Medicine (PGDipOccMed)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Ophthalmic Basic Sciences (PGDipOphthBS)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Health Care (PGDipPHC)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health (DPH)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Rehabilitation (PGDipRehab)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice (PGDipRPHP)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy (PGDipSurgAnat)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Travel Medicine (PGDipTravMed)

  Master of Aviation Medicine (MAvMed)

  Master of General Practice (MGP)

  Master of Medical Science (MMedSc)

  Master of Ophthalmology (MOphth)

  Master of Primary Health Care (MPHC)

  Master of Public Health (MPH)

  Master of Travel Medicine (MTravMed)

  Doctor of Medicine (MD)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Pharmacy Qualifications

  Pharmacy Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)

  Pharmacy Postgraduate

  Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacist Prescribing (PGCertPharmPres)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy (PGCertPharm)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy (PGDipClinPharm)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmacy (PGDipPharm)

  Master of Clinical Pharmacy (MClinPharm)

  Master of Pharmacy (MPharm)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Physical Education Qualifications

  Physical Education Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Physical Education (BPhEd)

  Physical Education Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Physical Education with Honours (BPhEd(Hons))

  Postgraduate Diploma in Outdoor Education (PGDipOE)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Physical Education (PGDipPE)

  Master of Dance Studies (MDanceSt)

  Master of Physical Education (MPhEd)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Physiotherapy Qualifications

  Physiotherapy Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPhty)

  Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours (BPhty(Hons))

  Physiotherapy Postgraduate

  Postgraduate Certificate in Physiotherapy (PGCertPhty)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy (PGDipPhty)

  Master of Physiotherapy (MPhty)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Science Qualifications

  Science Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Applied Science (BAppSc)

  Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Sciences (BCApSc) - no new enrolments

  Bachelor of Science (BSc)

  Science Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours (BAppSc(Hons))

  Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Sciences with Honours (BCApSc(Hons)) - no new enrolments

  Bachelor of Science with Honours (BSc(Hons))

  Diploma for Graduates (DipGrad)

  Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Science (PGCertAppSc)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Science (PGDipAppSc)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Statistics (PGDipApStat)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PGDipClPs)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Consumer and Applied Sciences (PGDipCApSc) - no new enrolments

  Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics (PGDipDiet) - no new enrolments

  Postgraduate Diploma in Natural History Filmmaking and Communication (PGDipNHFC)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Science (PGDipSci)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Management (PGDipWLM)

  Master of Applied Science (MAppSc)

  Master of Consumer and Applied Sciences (MCApSc) - no new enrolments

  Master of Design (MDes)

  Master of Dietetics (MDiet)

  Master of Science (MSc)

  Master of Science Communication (MSciComm)

  Master of Wildlife Management (MWLM)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Doctor of Science (DSc)

  Surveying Qualifications

  Surveying Undergraduate

  Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv)

  Surveying Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Surveying with Honours (BSurv(Hons))

  Master of Surveying (MSurv)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  Tertiary Teaching Qualifications

  Tertiary Teaching Postgraduate

  Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertHighE)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDipHighE)

  Master of Higher Education (MHEd)

  Theology Qualifications

  Theology Undergraduate

  Certificate in Theological Studies (CertThSt)

  Diploma in Theological Studies (DipThSt)

  Bachelor of Theology (BTheol)

  Theology Postgraduate

  Bachelor of Theology with Honours (BTheol(Hons))

  Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry (PGDipMin)

  Postgraduate Diploma in Theology (PGDipTheol)

  Master of Ministry (MMin)

  Master of Theology (MTheol)

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


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[新西兰留学:奥塔哥大学全部专业列表介绍] 文章生成时间为:2014-05-01 21:47:46

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