
  留学360新西兰金牌留学专家徐闻杰老师介绍,维多利亚大学-Master of Teaching and Learning(中小学教育),180个学分,1年制,雅思要求,本科成绩B以上,2月份开学,申请截止每年11月15日,雅思四个七,学费26083.2/120学分。

  维多利亚大学-Master of Teaching and Learning(中小学教育)






  Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary/Secondary)

  Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary or Secondary)

  The Master of Teaching and Learning is an integrated internship model combining theory and practice and giving students the opportunity to study primary or secondary teacher education while based in a school. Students can complete the qualification full time over 12 months of study. Courses begin in January and conclude in December. The qualification will not be available online.

  Minimum entry requirements are a three-year Bachelor’s degree in a relevant learning area with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a B in the final year of study and demonstration of appropriate dispositions to teach.

  Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary)

  The Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary) is a 180-point initial teacher education qualification that students can complete over 12 months of study. Courses begin in January and conclude in December. This programme is an integrated model of theory and practice where student teachers study about effective teaching practice while based in a school in the Wellington region across a year.

  Minimum entry requirements to the MTchLrn (Primary) are a three-year Bachelor’s degree in a relevant learning area with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a B in the final year of study and demonstration of appropriate dispositions to teach.

  Candidates will be selected based on their academic qualifications, GPA, skills and experience, referee reports, performance at an assessment exercise and a satisfactory police check.


  Graduates will be critical, evidence based teachers who can develop the learning progress for each child they teach. They will have the skills and knowledge to develop student behaviours to sustain a positive inclusive learning environment.


  Courses are taught across a calendar year, between January and December. Students will be placed in a school where they will spend approximately four half days a week studying and developing their teaching practice over the school academic year. Students will have one day of timetabled classes on campus each week discussing, critiquing and extending their learning progress. Across the year students visit a range of schools to consider different contexts for learning and have some full weeks in school and some full weeks on campus. During the second trimester students spend seven weeks full time intensive in their placement school to widen and deepen their teaching experience.

  The initial student intake for this programme is limited to 30 students who will spend the equivalent of 19 weeks in schools in the Wellington area.

  Master of Teaching and Learning (Secondary)

  The Master of Teaching and Learning (Secondary) is a 180-point initial teacher education qualification that students can complete over 12 months of study. Courses begin in January and conclude in December. This programme is an integrated model of theory and practice where student teachers study about effective teaching practice while based in a school in the Wellington region across a year.

  Minimum entry requirements to the MTchLrn (Secondary) are a three-year Bachelor’s degree with a major in a relevant teaching subject with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a B in the final year of study and demonstration of appropriate dispositions to teach. Preference may be given to applicants holding qualifications that include majors in science, English, history, te reo Māori,  mathematics and consideration may also be given to qualifications that include physical education or music.

  Candidates will be selected based on their academic qualifications, grade point average, skills and experience, referee reports, performance at an assessment exercise and a satisfactory police check.


  Graduates will be critical, evidence based teachers who can develop the learning progress for each child they teach. They will have the skills and knowledge to develop student behaviours to sustain a positive inclusive learning environment.


  Courses are taught across a calendar year, between January and December. Students will be placed in a school where they will spend approximately four half days a week studying and developing their teaching practice over the school academic year. Students will have one day of timetabled classes on campus each week discussing, critiquing and extending their learning progress. Across the year students visit a range of schools to consider different contexts for learning and have some full weeks in school and some full weeks on campus. During the second trimester students spend seven weeks full time intensive in their placement school to widen and deepen their teaching experience.

  Students learn through being mentored through a professional learning group and undertaking independent study . Throughout the year there will be opportunities for the students to explore and visit different school based learning contexts.

  The initial student intake for this programme is limited to 30 students who will spend the equivalent of 19 weeks in schools in the Wellington area.

  Please e-mail Student and Academic Services or phone 463 9500 for more information.

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[新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学教育教学硕士(中小学注册教师课程)] 文章生成时间为:2015-12-02 19:18:37
惠灵顿维多利亚大学(Victoria University of Wellington)
  • 院校名称:惠灵顿维多利亚大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1899年
  • 世界排名:215 世界排名:4
  • 学生人数:14000人
  • 院校地址:Wellington 6140, New Zealand
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/nz/victoria/
  • 惠灵顿维多利亚大学是新西兰最古老的大学之一,有着足以自豪的优良传统。作为一所以研究为基础向学生提供高质量教育的大学,它已久负盛名。目前有来自世界各地60多个多...…[详细介绍]

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