
  留学360新西兰金牌留学专家刘颖老师介绍,奥克兰理工大学工程管理学硕士介绍,新西兰奥克兰理工大学Master of Engineering Project Management 2月和7月开学和Master of Construction Management  2月和7月开学。

  A、Master of Engineering Project Management 2月和7月开学

  B、Master of Construction Management  2月和7月开学

  一、奥克兰理工大学工程管理学硕士:A、Master of Engineering Project Management

  The Master of Engineering Project Management (MEPM) is the first of its kind in New Zealand. MEPM is intended to attract a range of engineering professionals for career development, including mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and chemical engineers etc. The qualification is delivered by the School of Engineering but can incorporate appropriate Business papers.

  The programme has two aims.  Firstly to provide an exciting career development opportunity for practicing engineering project managers aspiring to senior positions. Secondly to provide recent graduate engineers with business and project management skills for modern engineering companies.

  Quick facts

  Programme Code: AK1317

  Level: 9

  Points: 120

  Duration: 1 year full-time / 2 years part-time

  Venue: City Campus

  Start date: 29 February 2016 and 18 July 2016

  AUT encourages early application. There are limited places available. Late applications will be accepted if the programme is not full. Applicants will normally be selected on the basis of their level of academic achievement and may be required to attend a selection interview.

  Entry requirements

  In order to be admitted to the Master of Engineering Project Management an applicant must have completed the following or equivalent:

  (a)    a relevant four-year bachelor’s degree or

  (b)    a relevant bachelor’s degree with honours or

  (c)    a relevant postgraduate diploma


  (d)    relevant project engineering or managerial professional experience approved by the dean (or representative).

  An applicant must normally have completed the admission qualification in 1(a), (b) or (c) above with a B grade average or higher.

  Guidelines to entry


  This qualification is designed to be flexible and fit in with a working professional’s life while providing full time students with structured teaching to facilitate study. Many papers are delivered as block courses. Professionals who will find this qualification ideal include: engineering managers; process engineers; manufacturing managers; technical managers and their organisations.


  709400 Advanced Integrated Project Management (30 points)

  709401 Economics and Finance for Engineers (15 points)

  709402 Engineering Corporate Social Responsiblity (15 points)

  709403 Project in Engineering Project Management (30 points)

  ELECTIVE PAPERS, 30 points from:

  709404 Specialist Readings: Engineering Project Management (15 points)

  BSYS840 Information Technology Management (7.5 points)

  EMPL840 Employment Relations (7.5 points)

  ENBU812 Engineering Resource Efficiency (15 points)

  HRMG840 Human Resource Management (7.5 points)

  MGMT849 Operations and Management (7.5 points)

  MGMT851 Supply Chain Management (7.5 points)

  Click here to view programme structure and paper outlines.

  Additional course information can also be found here.

  Enrolment in papers is subject to meeting all requirements and availability of papers (not all papers listed above will be open for enrolment in a given year).

  Please contact the Programme Administrator, Shirley Liew for programme information and availability of papers.

  Career opportunities

  Project managers

  Engineering managers

  Process management

  Managers/leaders of engineering business units

  二、奥克兰理工大学工程管理学硕士:B、Master of Construction Management

  The Master of Construction Management (MCM) has been developed in conjunction with construction industry leaders, satisfying the demand for professional managers who are technically competent in construction, as well as managing the complexity of modern construction projects.

  Designed for construction professionals (engineers, architects, quantity surveyors)

  Develops the knowledge and skills required by tomorrow‘s leaders, providing the management expertise necessary for delivering successful projects in a business environment

  Focuses on 4 areas of management competency: time, money, technology and people. Mastering these issues is key to the leadership function in modern construction

  Support for this qualification comes from the major construction companies of New Zealand

  Qualification incorporates papers from the School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences and the AUT Business School, and is primarily aimed at practising construction and project managers aspiring to more senior positions

  Delivery of the qualification is flexible and designed to fit in with a working professional’s life.

  Contractors and consultants; engineers and quantity surveyors; architects and designers; and their organisations will find this qualification a considerable enhancement to professional development

  Quick facts

  Programme Code: AK1290

  Level: 9

  Points: 120

  Duration: 1 year full-time / 2 years part-time

  Venue: City Campus

  Start date: 29 February 2016 and 18 July 2016

  Entry requirements

  In order to be admitted to the Master of Construction Management an applicant must have completed:

  (a)  a relevant bachelor’s degree or

  (b)  a relevant graduate diploma or

  (c)  a relevant professional qualification approved by the dean (or representative)

  to be equivalent to at least a three-year bachelor’s degree


  (d)  relevant engineering or managerial professional experience approved by the dean (or representative) to be equivalent to one year of advanced study.

  An applicant must normally have completed 1(a) or (b) above with a B grade average or higher in papers at level 7.

  An applicant may seek admission on the basis of relevant professional experience deemed by the dean (or representative) to be equivalent to the level of competence specified in any of 1(a) to 1(c) above.

  Guidelines to entry


  Papers range from project management to production management, construction economics, business management, and advanced technology.

  Many of the papers are delivered by block course mode.


  A total of 120 points must be achieved to complete the MCM qualification, with 90 points from the core papers of the schedule and 30 points as elective papers.

  There is also the possibility of substituting 30 points from any Masters degree offered by AUT, subject to Programme Leader approval. This provides an opportunity for those interested to take a number of relevant and related papers from other areas, such as business.

  CORE PAPERS (90 points)

  709300 Management in the Construction Industry (7.5 points)

  709301 Advanced Built Environment (15 points)

  709302 Project in Construction Management (30 points)

  709310 Project Management in Construction (15 points)

  709311 Law for Construction (15 points)

  FINA842 Foundations of Finance (7.5 points)

  SELECT 30 points from:

  709303 Specialist Readings: Construction (15 points)

  709304 Construction Management for Contractors (15 points)*

  709305 Procurement and Contract Management (15 points)*

  709306 People Management in Construction (7.5 points)*

  709307 International Construction I (15 points)

  709308 International Construction II (15 points)

  709309 Construction Economics (7.5 points)

  BSYS840 Information Technology Management (7.5 points)

  EMPL840 Employment Relations (7.5 points)

  ENBU811 Built Asset Management (15 points)

  ENBU812 Engineering Resource Efficiency (15 points)

  HRMG840 Human Resource Management (7.5 points)

  MGMT849 Operations Management (7.5 points)

  MGMT851 Supply Chain Management (7.5 points)

  Click here to view programme structure and paper outlines.

  Additional course information can also be found here.

  Enrolment in papers is subject to meeting the requirements and availability of the papers.

  * Papers not open for enrolment in 2016

  Career opportunities

  Construction managers

  Construction and consultancy firms

  Managers/leaders of construction business units (both public and private)

  Project managers

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[新西兰留学:奥克兰理工大学工程管理学硕士介绍] 文章生成时间为:2015-12-02 19:21:10
奥克兰理工大学(Auckland Institute of Technology)
  • 院校名称:奥克兰理工大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1895年
  • 世界排名:442 世界排名:8
  • 学生人数:23715人
  • 院校地址:55 Wellesley Street East, Auckland Central
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/nz/aut/
  • 新西兰奥克兰理工大学学校建成于1895年,原名为奥克兰理工学院(AIT),学校分3个校区:分别位于奥克兰市中心的威尔莱斯利路,位于奥克兰市北部海滨的阿克兰格,奥克兰...…[详细介绍]

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