

  Approved Panel Physicians

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Beijing International SOS Clinic

  City or County: Beijing

  Address: Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100027

  Phone: +86 10 6462 0303 (010) 6462 9112

  Fax: (010) 6462 9184

  Notes: Please make appointment before attending medical examination. For children under 12, please provide the original vaccination record book.

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: United Family Jianguomen Clinic

  City or County: Beijing

  Address: Between Buildings 14/15, Jianwai Diplomatic Residence Compound (DRC), No. 1 Xiushui Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100600

  Phone: +86 10 8532 1678 (For Immigration service)

  Notes: Please make appointment before attending medical examination. For Children under 12, please provide the original vaccination record book.

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Beijing New World Eaton Medical Center

  City or County: Beijing

  Address: Level 5, Beijing New World Shopping Mall, No. 3 Chong Wen Men Wai Street, Beijing 100062

  Phone: +86 10 6708 5077, +86 10 6708 5075

  Fax: +86 10 6708 5076

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Chengdu IME Centre

  City or County: Chengdu

  Address: 6th Floor, Chengdu Western Hospital, No.2, 3rd Section of Erhuan Road, Chengdu 610036

  Phone: 028 - 87575985

  Fax: 028 - 8757335

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Healthmate International Clinic

  City or County: Chongqing

  Address: 2F, Xinhua International Hospital Liangjiang Xingjie C Tower, 70 Huangshan Dadao, Yubei District, Chongqing City 401121

  Phone: 023-61255215, 61971713

  Fax: 023-6875 5618

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Immigration Medical Centre-Fujian Provincial Hospital South Branch

  City or County: Fuzhou

  Address: 516 Jinrong South Road, Fuzhou, Fujian 350001, China

  Phone: -506

  Fax: (0591) 8760 6953

  Notes: Please make appointment before attending medical examination. For Children under 12, please provide the original vaccination record book.

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Guangdong International Travel Healthcare Centre

  City or County: Guangzhou

  Address: 6th floor, Eastern Tower of the Poly Building, 59 Huali Road, Zhujian New City, Tianhe District, Guangdong

  Phone: +86 20 3828 8738

  Fax: +86 20 3828 8732 Email: Email: zjbjnz@163.com

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: New Omega Medical Centre

  City or County: Guangzhou

  Address: 9th Floor, Tower A, Centre Plaza, 161 Linhexi Lu, East Railway Station, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

  Phone: 020 - 2886 1900, 2886 1999

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Immigration Medical Unit - Hangzhou Hailiao Medical Examination Centre

  City or County: Hangzhou

  Address: 3/F No. 76 Yuhuangshan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310002

  Phone: +86-571-87011318, +86-571-87341626

  Fax: +86 571 8701 1318 Email: hailiao_hz@126.com

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Harbin IME Centre - Heilongjiang International Travel Healthcare Center

  City or County: Harbin

  Address: 3/F., 9 Ganshui Road, Nangang District, Harbin. 150001

  Phone: 0451- 82335862

  Fax: 0451- 82334362

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Jinan IME Centre - The Second Hospital of Shandong University

  City or County: Jinan

  Address: 4/F., Health Management Centre, 247 Bei Yuan Street, Jinan, Shandong 250033

  Phone: 0531- 55692289

  Fax: 0531 - 55692287

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Nanjing International SOS Clinic

  City or County: Nanjing

  Address: Ground Floor, Grand Metro Park Hotel, No. 319 East Zhongshan Road Nanjing 210016

  Phone: (025) 8480 9296 \ (025) 8480 2696

  Fax: (025) 8480 2843 Email: Nanjing.Clinic@internationalsos.com

  Notes: Please make appointment before attending medical examination. For Children under 12, please provide the original vaccination record book.

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Parkway Health

  City or County: Shanghai

  Address: Suite 315, No.1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, SHANGHAI 200040

  Phone: 021 - 62798129

  Fax: 021 - 62798329 Email: healthcheck@parkwayhealth.cn

  Notes: Please make appointment before attending medical examination. For Children under 12, please provide the original vaccination record book.

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Shanghai Eaton Medical Centre

  City or County: Shanghai

  Address: Room 304-309, Evergo Tower 1325 Huai Hai Road Central (Huaihaizhonglu) Xu Hui District, Shanghai

  Phone: 86-21-64730055

  Fax: 86-21 -64032012 Email: Sheaton@eatonclinic.com

  Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm Saturday and Sunday 8.00am to 12.00pm

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Medifast Medical Centre Shanghai

  City or County: Shanghai

  Address: Room 102, Hua Xia Bank Tower,256 Pu Dong South Road, Pu Dong, Shanghai, PRC 200120

  Phone: 021-58878260

  Fax: 021-58878261 Email: imedical@163.com

  Hours: Monday to Sunday: 8:00am to 17:00pm Saturday and Sunday: 8:00am to 12:00pm

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Approved Panel Physicians

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Immigration Medical Centre

  City or County: Shanghai

  Address: Zhabei District Central Hospital, 6th Floor, Fu Zhen building, 619 Zhonghua Xin Rd, Zhabei District, Shanghai 200070

  Phone: +86 21 3653 3651

  Fax: +86 21 3635 6612 Email: shanghai@prioritymedi.com

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center

  City or County: Shanghai

  Address: No 15 Jinbang Road, Changning District, Shanghai 200335

  Phone: 86 21 6268 3085

  Fax: 86 21 6269 7117 Email: shanghaiithc@163.com

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Immigration Medical Examination Centre

  City or County: Shenyang

  Address: Shenyang 202 Hospital, No.5 Guangrong Street, Heping District, Shenyang, 110003

  Phone: 024 - 23260528

  Fax: 024 - 23255515 Email: shenyang.ime@gmail.com

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: IME Centre - Shenzhen

  City or County: Shenzhen

  Address: 2/F, 11 Jinhu Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518025

  Phone: 86 755 2535 8080

  Fax: 86 755 2535 8006

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: IME Centre - Shenzhen

  City or County: Shenzhen (Guangdong Province)

  Address: 2/F, 11 Jinhu Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518025

  Phone: +86 755 2535 8080

  Fax: +86 755 2535 8006

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Immigration Medical Center

  City or County: Wuhan

  Address: No. 28 Baofeng Road, Qiaokou District, Wuhan, Hubei 430032

  Phone: 86 27 8333 1983

  Fax: 027-83331983

  eMedical enabled: Yes

  Country: China

  Type: Medical and Radiology

  Doctor/Clinic: Healthmate International Clinic

  City or County: Xi‘an

  Address: 1/F, Tower B, Changan Hospital, 17 Wenjing Lu, Weiyang District, Xi’an City,Shaanxi Province, 710016

  Phone: 029-8618 7071

  Fax: 029-8618 7074

  eMedical enabled: Yes

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[新西兰留学体检指定医院] 文章生成时间为:2016-04-01 22:36:52

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